NZ ETS Auctions

Welcome to the New Zealand ETS Auctions website, managed by NZX and EEX. The NZ Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) is the Government’s main tool for meeting domestic and international climate change targets. Auctions for New Zealand Units (NZU) will be held quarterly. Any NZ Emissions Trading Register Account Holder can participate in the auctions.

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Upcoming Auctions

Auction name Date Bidding window (NZ time)
September 2024 04/09/2024 9:00am - 12:00pm
December 2024 04/12/2024 9:00am - 12:00pm

How to Access the Auctions

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1. Become a participant

To bid in ETS Auctions you must first become a Participant. The registration process is easy, and we provide you with all the information you need to know.

Learn more about becoming a participant
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2. Invite users

Once registered, Participants can invite additional users. There are three different roles: Admin, Bidder, and Clearing. A user may hold one role or multiple roles.

Learn more about inviting users
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3. Lodge collateral

To bid in an auction a Participant must submit collateral prior to the cut off, five business days before the auction.

Learn more about lodging collateral

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Looking for more help?

For more information on how to participate in ETS Auctions, or any other enquiries, please call (+64) 4 470 9768, or email